
  • 28/9/2021: Three papers are accepted to NeurIPS! I am very greatful to my collaborators.
  • 17/10/2021: I moved to Edmonton, Mecca of RL! I am looking forward to meeting everyone in RLAI.
  • 20/2/2021: I started my postdoc at UofA with Martha and Csaba! Yet, I will be working remotely from Japan…
  • 17/1/2020: I have defended my PhD thesis! I will soon be a PhD holder :D
  • 20/12/2020: I have finished the internship at DeepMind Paris. It was really a nice experience. Thank you all!
  • 23/9/2019: I am starting an internship at Google Paris under the supervision of Remi Munos (DeepMind) and Matthieu Geist (Google Brain).
  • 20/9/2019: I am leaving Matsuo Lab to start an internship at Google Paris. I would like to thank Matsuo Lab members, especially Matsuo-sensei and Iwawasa-san!
  • 12/8/2019: I am starting a collaboration with Matsuo Lab in Tokyo Univ. Nice to meet you all! (Well… I already know some of you, though.)